Work with our experienced tutors to prepare for the SAT, ACT, SSAT or ISEE. Our tutors focus on sharing successful strategies and time proven tips coming from years of tutoring. All our tutoring is one on one (no group sessions) and is focused on what YOU need.
Students from around the world work one on one via web based teleconferencing. Unlike group based instruction this is tailored specifically to your individual needs. Our full-time tutors include Ivy League graduates and former Princeton Review employees and are full-time tutors in their subject. Our English tutor is bilingual and can also conduct the instruction in Russian.
Each student receives:Standardized Test Prep
Standardized Test Prep for
Carmel Delaney worked for Procter and Gamble for 15 years prior to founding IER. She has lived and worked in 5 countries and brings a multinational approach to her work at IER. Meet Carmel »
All of our packages include unlimited phone and email support for parents and students and are priced according to when the student starts. Learn more »